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The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2x10

Quarentena (1)

Um vírus mortal força o hospital a ficar em quarentena, ameaçando a vida de pacientes e médicos.

The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
The Good Doctor: O Bom Doutor: 2×10
Dec. 03, 2018